Our programs also support Central American ministry leaders, aiming to enhance their ability to serve local communities effectively. We achieve this by providing missionaries and other ministry leaders with both emotional and educational support, tailored to the specific challenges of the region. This comprehensive assistance not only empowers them to make a more significant impact in their work but also helps prevent burnout, ensuring the sustainability and long-term success of their nonprofit missions

We walk alongside Missionaries and other ministry leaders, offering mentorship, guidance, and Ministry Support.
Educational Resources: Our educational component provides leaders with the necessary knowledge and skills to manage their projects effectively.
Leadership Development: We focus on developing ministry leaders, equipping them with leadership skills and strategic thinking to guide their teams and projects successfully.
Mentorship: Through our partnership with Standing Stone Ministry, we pair missionaries and other ministry leaders with seasoned ministry leaders, who have already gone through the highs and lows of ministry work. Our goal is to guide missionaries into healthy ministry.
Standing Stone Ministry Partnership
Standing Stone provides a team of over 200+ shepherds who mentor and guide other ministry leaders. Through this partnership, we pair ministry leaders in El Salvador with seasoned Standing Stone shepherds who have already gone through the highs and lows of ministry work. Our goal is to guide ministry leaders into healthy ministry.